Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to Kindergarten!

This is an exciting time for everyone as your child begins this new experience.   I am excited about sharing this special time with you and your family.  Following is some information regarding curriculum and anything else you may want to know about Kindergarten!

Please provide your child with a two pocket folder and write their first and last name on it. This will be his/her folder to use for our Reading Centers.  I will provide a “take home” folder that will be in his/her backpack each day.  I will send school information home in this folder, as well as your child’s “school work.”  Any notes or information you send to me should be placed in this folder as well.  I will check their folders every day, and I ask that you do the same.  Please help your child begin to learn organization and responsibility by making sure his/her folder is in their backpack each day.

A weekly newsletter will be sent home every Monday.  Please look for this in your child’s take home folder.  It will give you information regarding what we will be studying for the week, as well as daily activities that can be done at home to help reinforce the skills learned in class.  It will tell you about upcoming events and will also have the volunteers listed for the week.  This is my way of communicating with you on a weekly basis. 

If at any time you have questions or concerns about your child, please make it a point to call me, email me or send a note.  I take all matters seriously and want to work with you in creating a positive experience for your child.

I am looking forward to a great year!

Debby Carey





Writing is strongly emphasized in my classroom.  Your child will jumpstart their journal writing from day one.  They will begin by drawing pictures to express their thoughts, and eventually get into sentence writing.  This is a fantastic way for your child to communicate their thoughts on paper.  Once each journal is complete they will be sent home.  Please go over these with your child and praise them on their work.

As the year progresses we will begin working on sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and proper spacing. 


The district adopted program is Harcourt Brace.  I use this program in conjunction with other styles of teaching reading skills to my students.  I will be grouping students at their specific reading level in an effort to provide enriching reading activities with your child that will help foster his/her imagination and build on any skills he/she comes in with. 

Please remember that reading is developmental.  Some students will be ready to read, others won’t.  Please don’t be concerned if your child isn’t reading fluently by the end of the year.  Kindergarten is meant to introduce students to the concept of print and give them a better understanding of what this print actually means.  It is very important that you spend at least 15 minutes a day reading with your child.

We have a collection of “take-home” books by Harcourt Brace, as well as scholastic.  These books will come home with your children.  Please go over any books that are sent home.  The black and white copies can stay at home.  I ask that every child creates a “book case” out of a shoe box so that they have a place to put their books.  It is important that students revisit books often and practice reading familiar print.


Deer Valley has adopted the envision Math program this year.  This program addresses the Arizona State Standards and includes hands-on-lessons as well as paper/pencil math.  I will be using this in conjunction with several other teaching methods.  Each week I will inform you what skills are being addressed so that you may reinforce these skills at home.


It is important to teach them correctly from the beginning.  We write letters starting from the top. Please practice at home with pudding, shaving cream, or anything that you can think of to help reinforce this skill.

Character Counts

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a socially acceptable manner at school, acting in a way that is respectful of the rights of others. They are expected to cooperate with teachers and staff at all times, following directions and responding in a positive manner to any reasonable request. Classroom rules and school rules should be followed at all times.

Any serious violation of the school rules will result in a Character Slip. Character slips are designed around the six traits of “Character counts!" They are given to students when they violate rules or create situations that can be hazardous to themselves or others or to the educational environment. Specific consequences, such as loss of recess or special privileges will be implemented if necessary.  The character slips are designed to serve as a notice that changes must be made to avoid further difficulties. A copy of the character slip will be sent home to be signed by parents. This type of written notification is one way we may work together for the success of each child.  Please sign and return the slips the following day.  These slips are in no way meant to belittle your child.  Their main purpose is to let you know of any situation that arises so that you may discuss the issue with your child.

We will discuss the importance of “Character Counts” daily and help your children realize the importance of each character trait.  They are as follows

A person of this character displays honesty, reliability and loyalty & does not cheat, steal, or lie.

A person of this character values others opinions, is courteous and polite, accepting of differences & does not resort to insults or bad language.

A person of this character meets the demands of duty; is accountable,  pursues excellence, practices self- control; and does not give up easily, especially when others are counting on him or her.

A person of this character is fair, just, and impartial; plays by the rules; and is open to different viewpoints; does not seek to lay blame; and does not take advantage of others.

A person of this character is caring, compassionate, kind, loving, forgiving, and considerate; thinks about how his or her behavior affects others; and does a good deed without thought of reward.

A person of this character is a good citizen, does his or her share, volunteers in the community, is a good neighbor, and respects just laws.


Please teach your child that it is important to come to school and be on time.  This will help set their attitude for the future.  It is also very important that your child get enough sleep and eat breakfast before coming to school each day.   School hours are from 8:15 - 3:00.  Please do not bring your child to school any earlier then 8:00 in the morning.  Half days are scheduled throughout the year with school beginning at 8:15 and ending at 11:30


The weekly newsletter that will be sent home will include daily activities that you can do with your child that will help reinforce skills learned in class.  Homework will be due every Friday.

Parent Volunteers

It is important to establish a routine with your child before I begin incorporating volunteers in the classroom.  I usually begin inviting parents to help around mid-September.  I love having help in the classroom as it allows me to work with small groups and give students extra help when needed.   


This is a daily event.  Please plan on sending a snack with your child daily.  The school does not provide snacks, so please don’t forget this as your child will be ready for a snack! J

Birthday snacks – Always welcome, and again please remember that they must be store bought and in closed packages. Please no whole cakes or anything that contains peanuts.  Thanks for your cooperation.

I am Special/All about me

Each week a child will be chosen as the special person of the week.  A poster will be sent home on Friday for your child to create with you.   Please return the poster Monday.  Information will come home with their poster that tells you what special thing they get to do each day!

Drop off / Pick up procedures

If you are bringing your child to school please drop them off at the side gate.  During the first week you may walk your child to class and join them on the playground, but you must check in at the front office.  We are in the J building.  The students are to walk through the building and out the side door (which is between the boys and girls bathroom).  This will take them directly to the playground.  They are to put their backpacks along the wall by the door.  Students are not to enter the classroom until the bell rings at 8:10.  Please do not drop off your child any earlier then 8:00.  

After school pick up will be on the side gate north of the office at 2:50.  We try and get out there a little earlier then the rest of the school.  If your child is riding the bus, students will be walked to the bus area which is on the Far East side of campus.  The after-school program is located in the overflow area in the cafeteria.  Students will be escorted to the room upon dismissal of school.  The first few weeks are very difficult as we are all learning (the students’ and me) where we need to go.  I will create a bus tag with your child’s bus number on it.  Please help your child learn what bus number they will be riding and have them where this tag the entire first week. 

It is extremely important that I know how your child gets home each day.  Once this is established I will make sure they get to where they need to go.  If at any time their situation changes I need to know about this change immediately.  I DO NOT allow students to tell me the change; I must receive a note or phone call from their guardian letting me know there will be a change in their routine and if it is permanent or just for that day.  I am very strict about this and feel it is important to your child’s safety.

I prefer a note in their folder letting me know about this change, however, if you don’t know about the change in your child’s pick up until after they have left for school then you can email me before noon or call the office so they can let me know of the change.